End Gun Violence Now
Yes We Can – Do Something about Gun Violence:
A WIN Letter to Ourselves and Our Community click arrow to read more
“Enough Is Enough," Time's cover read three years ago this August, after the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso. Now the violence has continued, in Buffalo and Uvalde. There are no easy solutions, especially here in Ohio. As in Texas, the NRA holds sway, and our super-majority legislature loosens gun laws by the day.
The moment when all of this will change is when there is sufficient pushback from the citizenry -- but there is reason to believe that pushback is starting. Kristine Woodworth, from the gun safety advocates’ group Moms Demand Action, reports a dramatic new increase in membership: “Nationwide we have had more than 250,000 new people reach out to join Moms Demand Action in the past week. As of today [May 30], in Ohio our number [of new members] is 8000 – in the past week. That’s more than double our current base of active members. . . . The movement is growing.”(The Moms’ red T-shirt is sold out!)
The movement is growing, and for fighting every bad bill there is a path forward
(For further “how to” information on taking one of the following actions for a particular bill, see our Gun Legislation page at demwins.org.)
· Calling our state representatives (look them up here) to ask them to oppose.
· Submitting written testimony.
· Attending hearings for the bill at the State House.
Think your advocacy won’t make a difference? Think again:
· High numbers speak volumes. Proponents of loosened gun laws are many, with typically low quality testimony. Our opponent testimony tends to be high quality; we simply need increased numbers!
· Keeping up the pressure can lessen a bad bill’s impact. HB99, which radically reduces training requirements for teachers carrying guns from over 700 hours to 22 hours, is a case in point. Through amendments, the requirement has gone from 0 hours to 8 to 22; certainly better than none at all!
· Simply showing up at a hearing – crowding the room, even without testifying – makes a statement. Representatives don’t like to look unpopular to reporters!
We invite Clark County progressives to join us in gun safety advocacy!
Clark County Democratic Women’s Issues Network (WIN) Leadership
Join Public Citizen in telling Senate Republicans: Stop Blocking Background Check Bills
Join Moms Demand Action and receive updates on local legislation, events, education on writing testimony and more
1 in 3
1 in 3 mass shootings involved a shooter that was legally prohibited from possessing firearms at the time of the shooting
American Academy of Pediatrics Position
The AAP is committed to protecting children from firearm-related injury and violence.
The absence of guns in homes and communities is the most reliable and effective measure to prevent firearm-related injury and violence in children and adolescents.
To prevent gun-related death and injuries, the AAP recommends that pediatricians provide firearm safety counseling to patients and their families.
Recognizing the deadly consequences of firearms to children, adolescents, and young adults, the AAP supports firearm regulation, including a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazine sales, as an effective strategy to reduce firearm-related injuries.
Georgia Tech researchers find active shooter drills in schools may increase anxiety, depression for several months
The results showed a 42 percent increase in anxiety and stress; depression increased 39 percent; and posts about health concerns and fears about death also spiked, increasing 23 and 22 percent respectively. - 11Alive
More active shooter drills are not the answer, we must ask congress to ban assault rifles
Moms Demand Action Held a Rally Saturday May 28th at the Ohio Statehouse
The speakers were survivors included Dion Green from our local Fudge Foundation, candidates like Nan Whaley, Latyna Humphrey, volunteers from Moms Demand Action, Brady Enough is Enough, and student volunteers from Students Demand Action

Dion Green survivor of Oregon District's mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio on August 4th, 2019 and founder of The Fudge Foundation.
Dion spoke to the attendees about how survivors never really heal, they relive their tragedy every time another mass murder occurs in this country due to gun violence. Dion has been traveling to meet with survivors to speak with them and to encourage them to rise up and tell their stories. He reminds the crowd that we must continue to tell our representatives to pass real gun legislation, legislation that saves lives.
Latyna M. Humphrey representative of Ohio House District 26
Rep. Latyna M Humphrey reminds the crowd that the Democrats have done the work. They have put together a common sense gun safety package that the members across the isle simply ignore. They are working to repeal stand your ground law, push back on permit less carry, require gun safes in the home and universal background checks. Mass shootings are not going to stop unless we vote out legislators that have zero interest in public safety.

Columbus lead for Moms Demand Action, Laura Robertson-Boyd
As we mourn the loss of the children of Robb Elementary School this year has been the deadliest school year on record. With at least 79 gun fighter on school grounds