

Women's Issues Network

Honors Nan Whaley
with our inaugural
Eleanor Roosevelt Leadership Award

Mark your calendars!

August Nights Are Back!

Join us for another summer outdoor concert

featuring the talents of

Dean Simms' Satchmo

and Champion City Trio

One of Women's Issues Network goals is to educate and empower women. 

We wish to recruit, train and elect qualified Democrats and what better way than to introduce you to women who have done just that. We have been inviting women who are running for office or women who have ran for office to our bi-monthly meetings. Our most recent meeting featured guest speaker Mrs. Meredith Lawson-Rowe. She is a democrat that ran in a very red district and won. 

We were very honored to hear about her personal experience and you can too. Just click on her image or the following link to hear her share encouraging advice. 

A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Meredith Lawson-Rowe for taking the time to speak with us and provide a very well written article for our quarterly newsletter.

March 10th 2022 Women's Issues Network Celebrated Women's History Month at the Clark County Heritage Center.

Guest Speakers

Judge Terri Jamison of the 10th District Court of Appeals

Judge Marilyn Zayas of the 1st District Court of Appeals

Justice Jennifer Brunner of the Ohio Supreme Court

click the image or this link to see photos of the event