Vol 9 Issue 3

We WIN When . . .  

We do something

By: Crystal G, WIN President and WIN Leadership


      In August, a group of women came together to form the Coalition of Clark County Women. This coalition recently hosted an educational voter rally on October 5th, 2024, which was both informative and festive. The event featured a lineup of influential speakers, local candidates, food trucks, vendors, and live music. Additionally, various organizations that support women and families were invited to participate....read more

The Importance of the Ohio Supreme Court 

By: Mel M, WIN Member/Communications Facilitator

     We thought we had taken care of the outrageous abortion laws in Ohio when we voted last year to enshrine reproductive health rights in the Ohio Constitution. I’m sorry to tell you that we were wrong.  We continue to have many restrictions in Ohio that violate the reproductive freedom amendment.  These restrictions must be removed by the Ohio Legislature or make their way to the Ohio Supreme Court....read more   

Sherrod Brown, Democratic Candidate for Ohio Senate  

By Tina K, WIN Member

     Senator Sherrod Brown has been a member of the U.S. Congress since 1993. He has served in both the House of Representatives (1993-2007) and the Senate (2007 to the present). His official biography shows an extremely active legislative career with over 1,000 bills sponsored and over 8,000 bills co-sponsored. He serves on the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (Chairman); Committee on Finance; and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. With such an active legislative career, what are some of his most recent accomplishments in the Senate? ...read more

Candidate Profile : Adam Miller

1. Your name as it will appear on the ballot: Adam Miller

2. The office for which you are running: US House of Representatives (OH-15)

3. Why you are running for this office: 

     I want to ensure women have reproductive freedom and we keep the government out of the doctor’s office and the bedroom.  I will work to ensure all Ohioans benefit from our nation’s economy.  Policies that have gutted our manufacturing base have made some rich, but for millions, it means health care, college for their children, and retirement security are out of reach.  That is why we need leaders and not lobbyists in Congress...read more 

Candidate Profile : Amy Cox

1. Your name as it will appear on the ballot: Amy Cox

2. The office for which you are running:  Ohio’s 10th Congressional District

3. Why you are running for this office: 

This district deserves representation that will stand up for women’s rights, for strong middle class union jobs, and for affordable housing and health care. ...read more 

VOICES: Ohio and Clark County working harder than ever to protect elections

Contributed to the Springfield News-Sun by the Clark County Board of Elections 

   It has always been important that the voters of Clark County be confident in the security and integrity of their election system. After all, democracy itself relies on the participation and faith of the citizens it serves. This year, even more than usual, the Clark County Board of Elections wants to reiterate to the voters of the county that their elections can be trusted. This letter will serve to highlight the features of our election system that exist to ensure fairness, integrity, and transparency...read more  

Candidate Profile : Dan McGregor

1. Your name as it will appear on the ballot: DAN MCGREGOR

2. The office for which you are running: Ohio State Senate District 10 

3. Why you are running for this office: 

     I care about leaving a quality of life for those behind me better than how I found it. So, I make this promise to all who vote for me and, if elected, to all I represent: Every decision I make as your Ohio State Senator will be evaluated on the following basis: Will it improve the future of younger Ohioans...read more  

Hold On 

By Austin S, Clark County Democratic Party Chair

“When can I vote?”This question came from a strained but sweet voice in a hospital bed. Since her hospitalization in mid-September, facing the final stages of a short but terrorizing battle with cancer, I heard this question every few days from my grandmother. I would reply with my heart in my chest, “October 8th,” unsure if she would be able to hold on that long. As October came, we worried as her condition worsened, but she was worried about casting her vote. With the family gathered around, as she made the decision to move home, on Hospice care, she took a moment alone with each of us. Her first question to me as I sat by her bedside was “When can I vote?” I could only say, “This week. You have to hold on a few more days.”...read more

Candidate Profile : Mary Binegar

1. Your name as it will appear on the ballot: Mary E Binegar

2. The office for which you are running:  State Board of Education/ District 5

3. Why you are running for this office: 

     I am running for office because I truly believe that our public education system is the foundation of our democracy. The recent pandemic has brought to the forefront many inequities in our current system which must be addressed. These inequities added to charter school growth, inadequate state funding, over testing and other issues need a strong voice to advocate for Ohio’s public school students. I believe I can be that voice...read more

Please Help WIN Support Career Tech Education In Clark County

By Amy L

     We urge you to VOTE YES on the Career Technology Center (CTC/JVS) levy that will provide the dollars needed to build a new enlarged facility that will provide more opportunities for more Clark County students to enroll. The state of Ohio will provide a large percentage of the money for a new facility and November is the last time this critical issue will be on the ballot. This is our third and final chance to help secure future success of our students!...read more

Remembering An Outstanding Clark Co. Democratic Volunteer 

By: Melinda B, WIN Member

It’s particularly fitting during this election season to remember dedicated Clark County Democratic volunteer Kathy Swisher(April  10, 1956 - November 3, 2022).

Initially in 2020, Kathy, who was passionate about social justice, was for Kamala Harris. Kathy picked up on the fact that Kamala Harris’s campaign slogan was “For the People,” the phrase Harris used to formally announce her appearances as a prosecutor in the California superior courts. When Kamala Harris dropped out Kathy supported Biden, of course. But in her concern for social justice and commitment to community, then and since, she was leading the way for many of us:...read more

Remembering Sheila Skimmerhorn

Sheila Leellyn (Cash) Skimmerhorn passed away in her home on October 13, 2024 at age 78. She was born on October 13, 1946 to Verlon Dale and Dorothy Hoyle Cash who predecease her. During her early years, she was raised on a number of Air Force bases around the country but lived most of her life in Springfield. Sheila graduated from Springfield South High School in 1964...read more

Relevant Reads for Progressives

THEME: Haiti

By Rebecca (Becky) W


Title: A Haiti Anthology: Libete  | Author:  Charles Arthur and Michael Dash | Publication Date: Markus Weiner Publishers, 8/10/09

     This is a book of contributions from anthropologists, historians, novelists and other Haitian writers about historic and contemporary aspects of Haitian life. As such it is a great introduction to Haiti—the land, the people and its culture. Among the contributors are previously unpublished works translated directly from the Creole language.  Among the more well-known authors are are Edwidge Danticat and Jacques Roumaine. The chapters are arranged thematically...read more