Testimony Workshop
Women's Issues Network has worked this year to bring attention to ways in which we can come together to take action in our community. We have hosted community conversations and hosted two gun violence forums. Dec 9th 2021 we gathered once again to host a testimonial workshop. We have broken the workshop into smaller digestible clips so please enjoy part one, this is our introduction of WIN, our cosponsor Springfield chapter of the NAACP and presenter, Rachel Coyle, communications director of Innovation Ohio. (1/6)

Providing testimony can be intimidating but thanks to Innovation Ohio communication director Rachel Coyle's presentation you can overcome any fears you have and start taking part of one of the most important parts of democracy aside from voting. It is important to note as Rachel explains we have more power to impact local legislation than we do on a federal level. Providing testimony and calling the committee chairs can make a difference. Please watch, share and save this clip of Rachel's presentation and use her power point to guide you through writing your own testimony. (2/6)
Dec 9th 2021 we gathered to learn how to give written and in person testimony after Rachel Coyle's presentation she welcomed questions from our audience. Maybe these are questions you might have as well take a moment to watch this clip to learn why providing testimony is so important. (3/6)

In person testimony can be scary, you may stumble over the testimony you have already prepared or lose the ability to find your voice altogether. Watch how our volunteer does just that but finds the ability to recover and finish strong by answering the questions Rachel asked. This practice testimony is important to have a basic idea what it might be like when you show up to give testimony on a bill that you are passionate about. (4/6)
Our co sponsors had a few questions following the practice testimony, please take the time to watch one more important step in the process of how to provide testimony. (5/6)

Women's Issues Network along with the Springfield chapter of the NAACP, represented by Cynthia R, worked together to bring you a simple "how to" workshop so you can learn more about providing testimony. We want to thank Rachel Coyle, who by the way did an amazing job and was incredibly informative, for her time and effort for this very important workshop.
Voting is only one step in supporting our democracy
If we do not make our voices heard
We will get the representation and legislation we deserve (6/6)
One of the single most important things you can do in a democracy is to be heard, while many of us see that as heading to the voting booth there is another way. Many of us forget we need to contact our legislators both on a local and federal level to prevent harmful bills from becoming laws. December 9th 2021, with the help of Rachel Coyle, communications director, of Innovation Ohio, WIN and NAACP co-hosted a workshop to walk us through how to do just that. Rachel helped remove the fear and intimidation from the process of providing testimony by walking us through step by step how to write quality statements and how to navigate the process of submitting it. We discussed sites to stay on top of the legislation that matter to us as individuals, guests were able to ask questions, and Rachel also practiced in person testimony with us.
We created a slideshow with captions to help you review what we learned.