By: Clara C, WIN Member

     I recently received an email from Ellie Smeal of the Feminist Majority Foundation. I’d like to pass it along and have highlighted some parts of the article that are especially crucial. If you would like to read the whole U.N. Report on the Taliban Gender Apartheid, please contact me here and I will forward the information to you. If you are interested in sending an Emergency Action email urging the U.S. and U.N. to continue their non-recognition of the Taliban until they end Gender Apartheid and their crimes against humanity, I can send you that information too.

     A just-released United Nations (U.N.) report exposes the Taliban's brutal gender-based system of discrimination, exclusion, and oppression against Afghan women and girls.

     The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021.They have decimated women's rights by restricting their access to education and employment. Women and girls are not free to travel alone. They are forbidden to leave their homes without a close male family member, and then only when “absolutely” necessary. Afghan women are excluded politically, educationally, socially, and even culturally.  These are crimes against humanity, and we must not let the world ignore this horrid assault on women and girls.

     We cannot be silent. Afghan women and girls have fought hard for their rights. They continue to fight despite the risks to their lives. Many have been killed or disappeared. Some in their despair worry that the world has forgotten them.”

     I encourage you to learn more and respond appropriately.