Gun Violence Forums
June 2021 Forum
Oct 2021 Forum
October Follow-up Forum

Women's Issues Network hosted a second forum Oct. 28th 2021
Our objective is to share and become educated in Clark County Law Enforcement Advisory Teams (CCLEAT) work. Through panel discussion and Q&A become educated on best practices on how to get there. We want to learn how we can support CELEAT in becoming a leader in these best practices.
Our President Melinda B introduced several of our guests that evening as well as our guest moderator Cynthia R.
While we encourage you to watch the entire forum we have broken it up into smaller sections to make it easier to watch at your pace or look for a specific topic.
Our Moderator Cynthia R begins our conversation by expressing how many in our community's desire to feel safe. She introduces Chair Janea Ivory and askes if she could tell our audience about what CCLEAT has been asked to do.
She probes further and asks the important question what has CCLEAT accomplished thus far.

Cynthia R refers to a previous conversation with Adam Banks, vice chair of CCLEAT. Adam spoke about the importance of balance and transparency. She pursues this topic by asking how they intend to pursue this? In addition to balance Cynthia asks what data sources they use and if they would share any of these sources with our audience.
Janea, chair of CCLEAT, expresses how important it is to use a non partisan source when researching gun violence and police. She reminds us we need to always read the about page to learn how this data is collected and by whom.
She shares the links from the source they are using at this time to do some of their research.
click this link to see the data for Clark County Sheriffs Department
click this link for Springfield Police Department
Our moderator asks Janea if there were any interesting observations that she made from looking at the Clark County Scorecard. Cynthia asked if there was anything she would like to draw attention to as we review that material for ourselves.
Watch for Janea's response

Cynthia speaks about her experience on the campaign trail. A reoccurring theme she heard was the need to feel safe and the communities lack of trust in law enforcement that they would be there to help.
Both chair, Janea Ivory and vice chair, Adam Banks responds to Cynthia's question in regards to what they would recommend for increasing trust in law enforcement.
One of the things we learned from our last forum is that CCLEAT had not received any complaints by the time we hosted our first forum in June. While preparing for this forum CCLEAT had expressed that they still had not received any complaints. While that is something to be happy about we want to know what makes the difference in whether complaints particularly race based complaints are received. Is there a way that we can be sure to create a safe channel where people feel safe communicating complaints? What do you see the role of CCLEAT in making sure that citizens feel safe to report any concerns that they have?

Our first question was shared in the chatroom. Steven asked, with trust and other structure municipalities, city commissioners, mayors and others have a major influence in dealing with complaints.
We need to look at better ways to allow for that process to have trusted leaders who can be liaisons in these spaces as new ambassadors to have real real influence to giving people the confidence that their voices will be heard and that action will be taken. A precedence has to be set as we move into the future.
There is a clear correlation between lax gun laws and an increase in the number of gun violence incidences that impact citizens and law enforcement.
Tracking gun legislation at the Ohio Statehouse is overwhelming. Adam Banks answers our question in regards to community based intervention might help by providing our audience with a list of local organizations that are available in Clark County.

One of our guest panelists, Kristine Woodworth, from Moms Demand Action speaks to us about then current legislation moving its way through out statehouse. She believes that it is intentional that these bills are difficult to track. Republicans have a super majority at our statehouse and often push legislation through at a phenomenal pace to keep us in the dark. Moms Demand Action however has a group of volunteers that work to track these bills and keep their volunteers informed as to when they can send testimony, when rallies are being hosted, and who you need to contact.
You can sign up for their alerts at
Clark County Sheriff is asked for her perspective on house bill (HB) 227. Specifically how does this impact the work you do in the community?
Sheriff Burchett says how dangerous this bill is and how they are trying to fight this bill.
Sheriff Burchett goes on to discuss the lack of mental health support for over half of Clark County's inmates.
update- this bill did pass and was signed by Gov. Dewine after promising to support positive gun legislation after the tragedy in Dayton's Oregon district in Aug 2019.

Cynthia asks Steven to address what is the traumatic impact of gun violence in our community?
What is the impact of when we have injustice in policing in our community?
What is the impact when there is a loss of trust?
An audience member was given the opportunity to speak. They mention lack of faith and trust. He believes that accountability is key and remarks how he believes the system has a lot of flaws. He questions how does law enforcement see the community on a personal level outside of the job.
Sheriff Burchett was asked, "What can out law enforcement do to increase trust on policing in our community?"

The issue of trust is a reoccurring theme throughout this forum. Sheriff Burchett has made it clear that she is trustworthy and attends different events to meet the community.
Cynthia begins by explaining many of us will not have the opportunity to get to know you Sheriff Burchett. How do we build trust more systemically and what is CCLEATs role in making that happen?
Steven Massie speaks to our audience about a personal experience he had with law enforcement before he begins to answer the questions posed to him.
As our Q&A came to a close each of our panelists were asked to give a brief response to what have they learned from this conversation as well as what they believe our next steps are?

Sheriff Burchett shared her appreciation of Police Chief Graf comments in the previous segment and stating that she was left thinking what more she could do before his comment. It is her belief that it is possible that CCLEAT can assist the sheriff's department with building trust within the community.
There is interest within the chat of learning how they can keep up to date with this topic. WIN writes a quarterly newsletter that chair, Janea has offered to write an article to be included in order to help update some of the members in the community.
In closing, we had a very respectful conversation about a very difficult topic. Everyone was willing to answer hard questions and listen to feedback from the community.
It is important that we continue to discuss this topic from different angles. We heard a lot about mental health during this forum and wish to follow up in our next forum with a specific focus on how gun violence impact the mental health of the victims as well as the family members.
Stay tuned for our next gun violence forum, sign up for email updates from Moms Demand Action
Learn how to track dangerous legislation sneaking through our state house and check out our testimony workshop video.