Guest Speakers

Council Woman Mrs. Meredith Lawson-Rowe
Part one
Mrs. Meredith Lawson-Rowe spoke to us about how she became a candidate. She told us that sometimes you need to run for office if you want to see yourself properly represented.
She spoke to us about how reluctant she was but how her associates reminded her that she was already doing the work. She talked about the support she received as a fresh new candidate. Programs designed to help progressive candidates run a campaign.
Council Woman Mrs. Meredith Lawson-Rowe
Part two
Women have to be asked an average of seven times to run for office. Meredith will tell you it was not always easy but it was worth it, sometimes you just have to get out of your own way.
If you would like to learn more about Mrs. Lawson-Rowe click the link to read her article we published in our quarterly newsletter.